Topic Pages for NAA Members

The New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today are among the largest newspapers that have been using topic pages on their sites. Benefits of topic pages include increased page views and time spent, topic-targeted advertising revenue, better reader experience and improved SEO.

Through a special Lingospot promotion for NAA members, you can now launch topic pages on your site using the Lingospot Topic Portals service, with a performance-based pricing model and:

  • no setup fees
  • no monthly licensing fees
  • no long-term commitments

Topic Portals are free to NAA members until May 1st 2009. After that, the service will be charged on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis at the rate of $0.003, subject to a $100 monthly minimum. There is no need to provide billing information to register.

Once launched, our service will insert links in your pages pointing to fully customizable topic pages, such as this example from the Sacramento Bee.

Please contact us if you have questions, or sign up to try the service free.

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